
Navigating the world of regulatory reporting

Navigating the world of regulatory carbon and compliance reporting is crucial for organisations to maintain a strong environmental standing. eEnergy ensures accurate and timely reporting for Scopes 1 and 2, ESOS, SECR, CCA, and MEES reports, as well as DEC and EPC certificates.

We help you meet regulatory requirements, minimise your carbon footprint, and explore carbon offsetting options. With our expert guidance, your business can demonstrate environmental responsibility, reduce costs, and enhance its reputation in today’s eco-conscious world.

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Regulatory reporting

Understanding and reporting on regulatory carbon and compliance requirements is vital for businesses to remain environmentally responsible and compliant. eEnergy’s expert guidance simplifies reporting for Scopes 1 and 2, ESOS, SECR, CCA, MEES, DEC, and EPC, providing value by helping you meet regulations and reducing the risk of penalties. Additionally, we assist in identifying carbon offsetting opportunities, which can improve your business’s sustainability efforts, enhance your reputation, and contribute to a greener future.

Scope 1 and 2

Carbon Reporting: Scope 1 & 2.

Scope 1 and 2 carbon reporting refer to two categories of greenhouse gas emissions produced by a company. Scope 1 covers direct emissions, which come from sources owned or controlled by the company, such as fuel combustion in vehicles or boilers. Scope 2 covers indirect emissions, resulting from the generation of purchased electricity, heat, or steam used by the company.

By accurately reporting Scope 1 and 2 emissions, organisations can identify opportunities to reduce their environmental impact, meet regulatory requirements, and support the transition to a low-carbon economy.

The benefits of Scope 1 and 2 emissions reporting.
  • Boost environmental performance.
  • Elevate reputation.
  • Ensure regulatory compliance.
  • Unlock cost savings.
  • Accelerate low-carbon economy transition.


Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme

ESOS reporting is part of the UK’s Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS), a mandatory energy assessment and energy-saving identification scheme for large organisations. ESOS requires companies to conduct comprehensive energy audits every four years, identifying cost-effective energy-saving measures. By effectively managing ESOS reporting, businesses can uncover valuable energy-saving opportunities, reduce operational costs, improve energy efficiency, and demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability.

The benefits of ESOS reporting.
  • Uncover energy-saving potential.
  • Enhance environmental performance.
  • Strengthen reputation.
  • Ensure regulatory compliance.
  • Realise cost reductions.


Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR).

SECR reporting refers to the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) framework in the UK, which requires large companies and LLPs to disclose their energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy efficiency actions annually in their Directors’ Report or an equivalent document. By effectively managing SECR reporting, businesses can showcase their commitment to energy efficiency, meet regulatory requirements, identify areas for improvement, and support the UK’s transition to a low-carbon economy.

The benefits of SECR reporting.
  • Track energy consumption.
  • Elevate environmental performance.
  • Boost reputation.
  • Ensure compliance.
  • Unearth cost-saving potential.


Climate Change Agreements (CCA) reporting.

CCA reporting involves participation in Climate Change Agreements (CCAs) in the UK, voluntary schemes where eligible energy-intensive sectors commit to improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. In return, they receive a discount on the Climate Change Levy (CCL), a tax on energy usage. By effectively managing CCA reporting, organisations can benefit from financial savings, demonstrate their commitment to reducing environmental impact, and contribute to the UK’s carbon reduction goals.

The benefits of CCA reporting.
  • Financial rewards.
  • Enhanced energy efficiency.
  • Improved reputation.
  • Regulatory compliance.
  • Support for a low-carbon future.


Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) reporting.

MEES reporting involves adhering to the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) in the UK, which set a minimum energy efficiency requirement for privately rented properties. Property owners and landlords must ensure their properties have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of at least an ‘E’ before they can legally rent them out. By effectively managing MEES reporting, property owners can meet legal obligations, improve the energy efficiency of their properties, attract eco-conscious tenants, and potentially increase property value.

The benefits of MEES reporting.
  • Meeting legal obligations.
  • Increasing property value.
  • Boosting energy efficiency.
  • Attract eco-conscious tenants.
  • Cutting energy expenses.



Display Energy Certificates (DEC) reporting

DEC reporting involves evaluating the energy efficiency of public buildings in the UK. Display Energy Certificates (DECs) visually demonstrate a building’s energy performance, comparing its actual energy usage to a benchmark for similar buildings. DECs are required for public buildings with a total floor area of over 250 square meters, which are frequently visited by the public. By effectively managing DEC reporting, public building owners and managers can showcase their commitment to energy efficiency, meet regulatory requirements, and identify potential areas for energy-saving improvements.

The benefits of DEC reporting.
  • Spot energy-saving opportunities
  • Demonstrate eco-commitment.
  • Meet regulatory requirements.
  • Identify energy-saving opportunities.
  • Boost environmental performance.
  • Enhance reputation.


Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) reporting.

EPC reporting involves assessing and rating a property’s energy efficiency in the UK and Ireland. Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) provide an energy efficiency rating for buildings on a scale from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient). EPCs help property owners, landlords, and potential buyers or tenants understand a property’s energy performance, potential improvements, and associated costs. By effectively managing EPC reporting, property owners can make informed decisions on energy efficiency upgrades, meet regulatory requirements, and make their properties more attractive to eco-conscious occupants.

The benefits of EPC reporting.
  • Evaluate energy performance.
  • Raise property value.
  • Draw eco-conscious occupants.
  • Satisfy regulatory requirements.
  • Identify energy-saving prospects.

Regulatory reporting

Don’t miss the chance to transform your regulatory carbon and compliance reporting across Scope 1 and 2, ESOS, SECR, CCA, MEES, DEC, and EPC! Partner with eEnergy for a harmonious blend of cost savings, sustainability, and expert guidance. Take the leap towards a greener, more efficient energy future – contact us today and let us revolutionise your energy strategy!

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